Yet more days have been spent making Starvation Acres a more useable space for us and our future visitors. The firewood rounds we found in a pile of slash and dirt have finally been split and stacked for future campfires. Hopefully we’ll roast a few hotdogs and not just each other. 😉
In the campfire area, some leveling of dents was done, sticks and other burnable debris raked up, and a few log rounds were designated as ‘coffee tables’.
Now we’re ready for a bigger fire ring and may need a weed-whacker capable of cutting small bushes.

The ‘old driveway’ was a rugged and inconvenient stretch of gravel and also used the neighbor’s access to the state highway. Since we have no plans to continue using this drive, Naomi asked me to turn it into a parking area for horse trailers. The bottom 30 yards of the drive has now been widened, smoothed, and a lot of gravel was drug down from up above. In a pinch, 2 rigs could be parked here! This photo is not the completed project.
Little things are important too. A few well placed hooks on the wall sure do make it easier to find your clothes in the morning. (It’s easier than picking them up from the floor too.) Thanks to a friendly donation of a tankless water heater, we will be able to have a hot shower as soon as I install it and a new flow switch. It appears the old switch was damaged during installation at the manufacturer. And what camp would be complete without whiskey and F-bombs?
Get your own F-Bomb from Jodi at https://www.etsy.com/shop/kinkycrochet/
Wall Hooks Flow Switch F-bomb and Whiskey
Speaking of F-bombs, look at WTF just walked past our camp area! This young black bear, possibly 3 years old, walked past where we could have seen it from our campfire! And what appears to be a more mature black bear is making a night time visit to the deer feeder only 50 yards away. Before this we have seen absolutely no sign of bear activity on the Acres. One of the neighbors told us he’d not seen bear sing on the property where he’s lived for 12 years.
Inside of our little RV trailer, there was a sofa. More of a couch actually. In reality, it was a torture device with pokey springs. After a small amount of demolition work, the torture device is now gone and has been replaced with 2 comfy recliners. (Or are they guest beds?)

As much as we’d like to enjoy our privacy without a need for signs and barriers, we’ve already had intruders. We saw someone pulling our of our driveway before we got to drive on it for the first time. During turkey season, ‘someone’ left their shooting glasses and a sandwich bag on a boulder overlooking one of our meadows. I even caught someone trying to poop on our property! (Which was slightly mean and quite hilarious to interrupt.)
Sadly, signage needed to be installed and a locking gate is in the works.
Thanks for the sales pitch! I’d better get some on there🤣. I’m filling orders like crazy! Hugs!!