All of our planned improvements and even inviting guests has hinged on getting a driveway into the property. It’s finally happening! Jones Xxcavation is on the job today and should be finished before the weekend. (this post will be added to as more information and images become available)

This evening we received these progress photos from the contractor. (photos by Jones Xxcavation)
It’s not a dead skunk but it is in the middle of the road. Or was… It has now been dug out and pushed to the side where it will forever rest.

Looking like we will soon see gravel on the new driveway! It’s been a long wait for this project to get started and now we can amplify the adventure. 🙂
The county inspector didn’t like how steep our approach to the county road looked so it had to be lowered 2 more feet. That created an added expense and a nicer approach which hopefully balance out. The entire driveway is graveled now! All that’s left to do is to enjoy it. 🙂